Back to where it started …

Back to where it begun, Ashleigh and Jenni returned to Ashleigh’s Secondary school to assist with their annual Mock Interviews. Not only was it insightful meeting with other local businesses. Mock interviews are an important aspect of the curriculum.   Prior to this,  Pupils more often than not, have had no experience or coaching on the basics required to secure employment or future education.

The careers department at Kingshill is incredibly active, forward thinking and a great example of how the educational sector can support the students before taking the next step into the world. With supportive mentors and the passionate Penny Hicks, the day was a great success from start to finish. We are very proud to team up with Local schools and colleges to help advise and coach students, to ensure they are well prepared for the world of employment.


“Going back to my Secondary school was extremely nostalgic and it was great to see some familiar faces, I was extremely impressed with the maturity and exceptional manner in which the students I interviewed, handled what could be a nervous situation. The students were well prepared and the quality of questions we were asked were impressive, at time it felt like the shoe was on the other foot and we were being interviewed. It was great to see and hear the ambitious plans of Students, with clear career aspirations.  I look forward to hopefully placing some of these individuals into roles in the future” Ashleigh Godsell – Account Director